Thank you for watching.

Having been in the recovery position for a couple of days now (if you can call cutting the daily mileage in half and avoiding the odd hill “recovery”) I feel I am ready to broach the subject of doing things you thought you’d never be able to do.

I can confirm that Mr Roy Castle OBE and Mr Henry Ford are both right. Dedication and positive thoughts are definitely what you need.

Mountains of luck and just the tiniest pinch of common sense are also helpful.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t you are right.

We have been motivated to raise funds for cancer charities following the loss of my mum on August the 4th 2015.

As challenging as as our Pyrenean mission has been, quitting never crossed my mind.

Whenever things got really tough, it was as though mum was waiting for us at the bottom of the biggest mountains, at the top of the toughest climbs, arms waving, cheering loudly …possibly some loud whistling but definitely bearing an enormous homemade picnic and sporting a massive smile. Constantly cheering us on.

Mum was a great lady and helped raise thousands of pounds for charity. I am incredibly proud of her achievements and proud that her memory has inspired us in this way.

650+ Miles for Mum later, the money you have donated will help save someone’s life, it will help keep a family together, it will help us beat cancer sooner.

At the time of writing this post, you have helped us to raise over £1300 for the Bedford Hospitals Charity and over £1300 for Cancer Research UK.

Thank you all so very much, you guys are awesome.

PS. If you haven’t had time to donate yet, you still can! (Links below)

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